Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Where last entry was all about bringing out thoughts in whatever form they wanted to come out in, this entry is all about a plan. A plan to heal my Body and Mind.

I have meditated whenever I feel so, spontaneously, which I admit is ( I am afraid to use the word ) rarely ( but there I said it, after all yesterday was Lunar Eclipse and that is all about letting go of un-necessary fear ). And now that I have said it I wish to change it, and not just meditation, but Reiki and Visualization.

I had this idea yesterday morning as I was on the metro to go to work, I want to establish a loose routine to do a little bit every day. To come up with a spiritual Life, not just daily routines of go to work, routines at work, come home and have spirituality time. ;)

Monday = Tarot Reading for the Upcoming Week, to have insight on what are the points for the week to focus and learn from...

Tuesday = Reiki, wither to balance chakras or specifically heal what I feel intuitively is in need of balancing and healing...

Wednesday = Meditation, for relaxation, quieting the mind and connecting with silence and the void, the part of me that is consciousness...

Thursday = Visualization, healthy body, mind, astral travel, learning lessons...

Friday = Channeling, connecting with my Higher Self or my Spirit Guides to better my life...

Saturday = Yoga Trance Dance, invigorating the body, connecting with movement...

Sunday = Meditation, for relaxation, quieting the mind and connecting with silence and the void, the part of me that is consciousness...

Of course I am still allowing full access to spontaneous action, to do whatever I wish, whenever I wish with full consideration of Actions and Consequences. We should never do something or leave something undone if we can't take responsibility for what happens because of our actions or non-actions.

Love, Light and Joy!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Healing Our Pets with Energy Work, Reiki, Crystals and Massage.

This is a free e-book. All you need is an e-mail address and they will send it to you. - Holistic Pet Blog :)

Holistic Animal Care, an interview on from Helen Racz on Vimeo.

If you want to help your pet or other animals live a happier, healthier, and longer life, you will enjoy reading this free 28 page ebook, The Lightfoot Way: 10 Secrets to Holistic Animal Care. Here you will find valuable information on:
  1. External and Internal Factors
  2. Animal Communication
  3. Reiki (Energy Work)
  4. Animal Massage
  5. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  6. Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
  7. Crystal Healing
  8. Homeopathy
  9. Flower Essences
  10. Aromatherapy
To receive the complimentary holistic animal care ebook, sign up below. Please know that The Lightfoot Way does not share contact information with anyone else.


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