Thursday, April 21, 2011


It seems I have been gone for a good month & a half, not on purpose... March is when sun starts to shine a lot more in Finland ( has to do with tilt of the earth ) and I almost always have the same reaction to it which is I get tired ( very odd, it's suppose to be backwards ) and it takes me a while to yawn my way to latest to May to cheer up. ( seriously yawning even as we speak )

Now what has been going on while I was gone, I've been going to work every work day and watched spring come to life with the kids. I got tired to my hair being in Winter shape and cut myself a fringe/bangs. ;)

Went to see "Wicked" with my sister who turned 14, had my husband's 39th Birthday where I got him a PS3, discovered that part of my March Blues were probably due to the fact I stopped exercising during the winter so picked that up again just lately, and it has helped as I am here! in my blog again! Also returned to a free and the sanest workout and diet site on the web ( if you are there, you can find me as SlimmerMe82 - 4,776 fitness minutes so far! ).

Last post I made was about my hair, and about coloring it. It's driving me mad! Mad! Right now it's the color that makes it look always dirty, my natural hair color is lighter than the package brand I've bought so what happens is the roots do look 'dirty' if I don't wash my hair daily - and even wind will cause problems - but I will ride this out, I'm strong - and also I Am Not My Body, that bit always helps when a nasty little though "people must think I'm a slob" crosses my mind. It's still hard for my ego to come to craps with the idea that people don't really think of me that Much, you know! ;D

Also there are bad news from the past month as well, my husband's brother's grand kids, two adorable little girls were killed in a car crash, their parents were very badly injured. There is no pain like children dying. Them living in america and seeing them only few times didn't make it easier.

But now I'm enjoying finding my happy, energetic Niina again - with the help of eating prober food again, exercising and visiting my blog. Bring on the Spring! I want green grass and warm weather. :)

Love, Light and Joy!

P.S: Check out the third to last Teleseminar episode March 20th, 2011: Michael Dowd – “Big Integrity: Deep-Time Eyes and a Global Heart” HERE for a truly wonderful view on Knowledge and Science being an Island in an Ocean that is Mystery - and there is no harm to making the Island bigger it will always be surrounded my Mystery. ( at 29:00 in the teleseminar )
Another gem in the Beyond Awakening Series - and it's still Free, always will be.


  1. Niina, you look like a school grrrl with that fring and pixy smile:)

    I want green grass and warm weather too!

    And, I'm very sorry to hear about the death of those two precious children in your Family!

  2. School grrrl at 29 - that's good! :D Heh!
    Saw a first flower yesterday so perhaps grass isn't that far behind. :)
    Those girls, they are good now, it's the parents that really need so much love right now. <3
