Sunday, December 5, 2010


Julie Demboski's Astrology
The New Moon of 5 December 2010 

The Wisdom Spark

The New Moon Sabian for the December 5th event, which takes place at 13 Sagittarius 28 at 9:35 AM PST: ‘The Great Pyramid and The Sphinx’. Let’s note here that there is one aspect to the New Moon when we use our 2 degree max orb ( let’s call this the ‘orb of precision’! ) – this is a sextile between the New Moon/ Sun and the conjunction of Saturn/h. Zeus.

The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are both symbols of wisdom, the kind of ancient truths that hold the secrets of life itself. True wisdom typically expresses concepts that resonate at all levels: spiritual, physical/ material, mental, emotional, linking the seen and unseen in perfect harmony. This suggests that the New Moon will spark a seed-light within each of us that springs from an essential life-truth–and the aspect to Saturn/ h. Zeus says it will have a material component, something in reality we can actually point to ( so not something that is pure concept or choice ) and further that this will express in some way a deep desire or ambition within.

The New Moon is not an idea point, but an action point ( Cardinal placement of Saturn, h. Zeus, Mercury, and Pluto ) that pushes that idea literally out into the world ( Sagittarius placement of Sun and Moon ) setting in motion an effect of change, transformation, or obliteration that reflects a Soul-deep ambition or desire (h. Zeus).

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Well! Sure seems to be true!
"Not an idea point, but an action point that pushes that idea literally out into the world setting in motion an effect of change, transformation..."
What makes me state this is true, well this blog entry of mine:
I woke up this New Moon morning, suddenly had an idea in the middle of my dream interpretation, an idea how to bring more Peace and Forgiveness to this world, hence co-create more Happiness. And idea to practise in the living world. And now after writing that blog I read this - it reads Confirmation all over it. ;)
I love it how this universe works, how we work in synchoronicity together to bring out information and practice to each other.
Just love it!

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I found this at well at Tracey Gendron's ~*LightCenter*~ website:

We are currently in the Blue Eagle Wavespell - November 29, 2010 - Sun at 7 degrees Sagittarius Mars conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius making a nice harmonious triangle with Venus in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius

The question for this Wavespell is: "How do I follow my own visions and dreams and ...surrender to the perfection of knowing that I, myself, am a tool of the light?"

This Blue Eagle (Men) Wavespell is the container for the upcoming New Moon on December 5th in Red Resonant Dragon.
During this wavespell we are asked to commit to being the planetary servers, awakeners, transformers and empowered global visionaries that we are! I always equate Sagittarius with Blue Eagle so it is pretty perfect that the Sun, Mars and Mercury are all in Sagittarius. We have a Vision! And we can shoot our arrow straight up (ideal) and out to that beautiful vision. Perfect. I also love that Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius are sextiling Venus in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius - forming a sweet little triangle together...encouraging our Vision to include harmonious love in our one-on-one relationships (Venus in Libra) as well as a higher vibration of love for all people and creatures of the world via Neptune's unconditional love and acceptance of all. Mercury and Mars give our Visions, thoughts and ideas ENERGY during this wavespell.

The New Moon in Red Resonant Dragon (Imix) is encouraging us to keep the giving and receiving circuit open. This whole lunar cycle that takes us into 2011 and ends on January 4th is about keeping this circuit open and about trusting deeply that we are taken care of and that Red Dragon's primal waters are, indeed, nurturing us. "If you are not fully receiving the gifts offered by the universe, you can short-circuit your connection with the natural spirals of growth."
"You are intrinsically worthy to receive, just because you are. Love just is, and because love is neither given nor taken, but rather discovered and allowed, you are a natural part of the circulation of its energy."
Trust that your deepest roots are receiving nourishment.
"Primal trust means making choices with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. It means making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Primal trust implies surrendering to the will of the divine self, letting go of what your ego deems to be control of the outcomes of your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution."
* The parts in quotes are taken from the book The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner - I can't recommend it enough - it's amazing!**
Love, Light and Joy!

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