Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Dreamed before the Lunar Eclipse.

The Dream = I was somewhere with mom, but don't recall more next I was at work telling the kids the Lunar Eclipse was happening, we looked out and sawmany moons in difffrenet phases. Next Barbie and Ken jumped in to a pool, they went back to the house, police arrived and questioned Ken. Barbie was upset and taken to one of three empty rooms to sleep. next morning I go tothe yard, ken turned into David Boreanas and was angry at me, I was trying to get to work

Mother =The general image of "mother" in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, martyrdom, etc. Thus, the woman is that force, or current, inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you. It is your intuition and the knowledge that is not necessarily attached to words.  ( this dream is about my intuition and knowledge not attached to word )
Children =  Children in dreams could symbolize a need and an eagerness to learn, simplicity, intuition, new endeavors and many other positive attributes of childhood.   ( intuition again, learning, wondering about the moons in the sky  )
Moon = The moon is an interesting symbol that connotes feminine energy; it is associated with the irrational and the intuitive. The moon effects the ocean tides, and it has been linked to madness or lunacy. The moon could represent romance and our earthly impulses and passions. It could reveal things about the nature of soul and the unconscious. For those lucky people, the moon can reflect their inner peace and feelings of serenity and security.  ( feminine energy, intuition again (! third times the charm ,) ) reveals things of our soul and unconsciouness... inner peace, serenity and security I felt those look at the eclipses everytime.  )
Men (Ken) =   It is Carl Jung who suggested that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men collective consciousness. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part that uses the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well we have balance and experience awareness that leads to peace and productivity. ( They were happy, watching the sky in the pool )
Women (Barbie) = It is Carl Jung who suggested that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force or current inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you. It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. When the two are working together well we have balance and experience awareness that leads to peace and productivity.  ( They were happy, watching the sky in the pool )
Pool =  For many people swimming pools are associated with summer fun, vacations, rest, and relaxation. Interpret your dream based on its content and see if any these positive feelings are being conveyed to you. All bodies of water represent our emotions and unconscious. The manner in which they are presented depends on the dreamer and on the details of the dream. ( they were jumping into the pool, they played jumping to a net first that held them from water )
House = They usually symbolize our emotional and psychological selves. All of your experiences, stages of development, and parts of your conscious and unconscious life may be represented by that house. The house may be representing issues concerning a particular dilemma in your life, or it may be more general and comprehensive. ( in the house "ken" was held to be questioned by the authorities )
Police = The police could be addressing Karmic Law as well as the laws in our physical world. If you are feeling that you can't meet all of your obligations and fear repercussions due to an unmet commitment, the police may be an unwelcome sight. On a more positive note and depending on the details of your dream, the police could symbolize support and protection. Your emotional response to the dream will provide you with good clues to interpreting this dream accurately. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming about police is an indication that you will obtain unexpected assistance with a current problem. ( they were there to conduct their business to do with "ken" the physical world the collective conscioness and didn't have enything done with "barbie" the feminine  intuition )
Day = To dream of a sunny day represents clear thinking and/or satisfaction. You are able to view things with a clear conscience. ( the next day was clear and sunny )
Celebrity (David Boreanaz) = Sometimes dreaming about a famous actor or actress may be a wish-fulfilling dream, or it could hold important messages about ourselves. We admire celebrities and may wish to have some of their characteristics. Consider the personality traits or any other trait that attracts you to that person. ( personality traits, strong, brave, masculine, tough - the thing is he was mad, well he was happy but gave to his feelings of anger and started ranting )
Work = Represent the need to accomplish something, get to work, take on a project or start some endeavor. ( as I wanted to go to work means I want to beging something new )

Niina's Dream Interpretation
Alright! Interesting choice for the Lunar Eclipse dream! All about Feminine and Masculine energies and traits... This dream is about my intuition, my inexplanable knowledge,  learning about the feminine Moon energies inspiring and revealing my soul and conscioness. The Feminine and Masculine even though playing with Water (emotions) didn't get into it but jumped on the safety net above the water, as if still not ready to submerge in emotions, feelings.
This is very true, look at anyone who crosses your way today and see how they hold themselves back from emotions, they don't say hello, don't smile, if they do and they see you wathing they stop. Human are a weird bunch, we have all these emotions but we do not want outsider to see them. It is like people are saying "I don't want anyone to know me, they don't need to know how much money I make, if I am ill or if I am sad". Feminine and Masculine just don't want to submerge in emotions yes, not publicly.
With me and within me the masculine is being questioned, the traits of me that have strength and bravery, power and toughness is what authorities are questioning about me as I am a woman I think. I question, the authorities question. And this is what needs to be worked on during this Lunar Eclipse!

Love, Light and Joy!

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