Wednesday, August 3, 2011


From YouTube: This week, we start part 1 of the epic saga that is our own Human History. This story has been told to us from many ancient sources, such as the Sumerian Records, Thoth has also provided this story to us through Drunvalo Melchizidek, and many other channelings including Adamus on Crimson Circle has also provided information about our history to us. I'm not going to tell you this is fact, i am simply saying - Decide for Yourself.

No seriously, decide for yourself. This story is so outrageous on so many levels that its hard to accept because of our certainty of what we now know is true. Just know that i didn't make any of this up, i am merely reporting on what the collective of these sources are telling us.

Flower of Life books - ‪
See page 78 Volume 1 for the Human History Story!

NOVA - Magnetic Storm

Just a quick warning, this story may not make sense at first, and i understand why many of you may be turned off by it at first. All i ask is that you wait until the story is completed, before complete shutting it out. It will tie up the loose ends in our history by the time its completed, in ways that will shock and awe :)

Part 2 of the "Human History" story. What happened when the Martians arrived on Earth? Well, it changed things for us. Everything in our modern world and everything that's happened over the last 13,000 years was a direct result of what happened on Earth 60,000 years ago, when the Martians first arrived.

We also talk about Polar Shifts today, so that's cool :)

Flower of Life books - ‪
See page 78 Volume 1 for the Human History Story!

NOVA - Magnetic Storm

Pole Shift - History Channel

Maya of Eternal Time

After the Martians collapsed the Atlantean way of life, the Naacals didn't know what to do. They asked for help from the highest conscious beings in our universe, and they received a potential solution. If it could pull it off, we would become something incredibly new and different in the universe. If we did not, we would not survive. Our entire planet was walking a very thin line.

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Flower of Life books - ‪
See page 104 Volume 1 for this portion of the Human History Story!

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

Birthing of a New Humanity

Planetary Crystalline Grid

Cayce's channelings

Bermuda Triangle

The Human History story reaches a climax as consciousness plummets and we return to our primal beginnings. What happens next? Well, after a 6,500 year period of time, our story begins to merge with what historians currently know about our own history.

Twitter - @itsjordand
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Flower of Life books - ‪
See page 104 Volume 1 for this portion of the Human History Story!

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

Egyptian Mysteries (Discussion about underground city included)

Birthing of a New Humanity

Added 2nd of September 2011 The Fifth and Final part of  Human History! Do not miss it!

In the conclusion to the human history story, we look at the events of Ancient Egypt, leading through to Akhenaten and his pivotal role in the Essene Brotherhood, and ultimately Jesus Christ. We also tie up some loose ends about the Mayans and what happened to the Martian Bloodline. Enjoy this 16 minute finale to Spirit Science Season 1!

Here's an awesome place for Spirit Science Discussion!

Essene Brotherhood

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike


The Lords Prayer Sacred Geometry

Keylontic Sciences

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Free PDF's)

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

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