Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I like looking at my Blog. :D Yes I do. I really love it, it's like a little extension of myself, it's connected to my feelings, emotions, interests and The Moment I am in at all moments I post.
I like seeing how many people are following readers, how many visits my blog gets, where from and through what website. I like seeing what are the current six most read entries ( Trinity Triad Metatron Channelling is keeping the lead strongly 4 months and counting ) - it's interesting to know what are the strong titles and what are barely read! ;)

I know in few years I'll gringe at my writing as much as I now gringe at the first few blog entries. :) But I still love reading Year 1 as much as the new entries.

So thank you so much everyone who's participated! I love you all!


Love, Light and Joy!

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