Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Ancient Wisdom
Break is over! I have opened Free Tarot Readings again. :) With a new little line at the near top of the page.

"When it comes to payment, I give my reading for free, and remind my querent (one who asks the question) that whatever they can do, are good at, I gladly accept something as a trade, be it CDs, channellings, attunement, art, healing, love. :)  "

Example of Past, Present, Future Reading
This comes due to the few people who have send me CDs and attunements as they wanted to thank me for the readings - and as I am all for trade instead of putting monetary label on creativity and quidance I think this is a wonderful way to be in a society with each other. And also due to few emails I received from people worried if I was not receiving anything hence loosing balance. Such a valid point! As I had to eventually go on a Tarot break. There is always a great value in balance.
I find myself having more energy and time again as Summer draws closer so I wanted to open my e-mail to my querants again!
Love, Light and Joy!

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