Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you've been reading my blogs for a while now you will recall "Beyond Awakening" free teleseries hosted by Terry Patten, an Integral Spirituality teacher. Beyond Awakening Free Teleseries begun with September 12, 2010 Kick-off Call “The Evolution of Awakening” with Terry Patten and Craig Hamilton.

The teleseminars with various but similar topics have now 31 episodes in the online archive, and there is more to come. You can still sign-up for the teleseminar and receive emails of the coming event ( 1 - 2 per month ) and links to audios after they been held.
In the Archive you can listen to the Episodes online or Dowload them in mp3 and listen to them on your phone on your way to work, or during lunch break, where ever you need a dose of confirmation and intellectual conversational spirituality.

If some of these Topics sounds interesting visit

Feb 20th, 2011: Lynne Twist
“Changing the Dream”
Feb 13th, 2011: Craig Hamilton
“Integral Enlightenment: Embodying the Impulse to Evolve”
Feb 1st, 2011: Dr. Jean Houston
“Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose: How Living Your Highest Calling Can Change the World”
Jan 9, 2011: Raphael Cushnir 
“Blinders Off! Seeing Through Evolutionary Eyes”
Dec 19, 2010: Terry Patten
“Awakening to Higher Octaves of Our Humanity”
Dec 12, 2010: Marc Gafni 
“Identifying Your Unique Gift”
Dec 9, 2010: Adyashanti 
“The Inner Revolution of Spiritual Awakening”
Dec 5, 2010: Barbara Marx Hubbard 
“Conscious Evolution: Communing with a Future that Wants to Manifest Through Us”
Dec 2, 2010: Sally Kempton 
“The Transformative Cycle and the Upward Shift: What is Progress on the Spiritual Path?”

And much more...

Don't forget to have a listen at The 3 Essential Practices of an Integral Spiritual Life Introduction @

Love, Light and Joy!

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