Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I got into a small Facebook conversation this morning on rich getting richer poor getting poorer. Which got me to state something that applies well to why I do not think such things as new world order and the illuminati exist.

"I often think the ones in power get a bad rap... I mean they are just as human, most of the time they can't stop any wheels already in full motion, no matter how much they want to or try to. We need a fundamental shift, a catastrophe or something huge at this point to stop the machine, the selfishness machine, the monetary machine, the power machine."

Seeing a conspiracy behind government is crediting people in power positions having amazing amount of power and being inherently evil. This doesn't fit my view. Or them being reptiles, which really rubs me the wrong way.
People are inherently gorgeous beautiful energy, Light that when nurtured luminates through us. We are at our roots God/Source, we are vast, infinite consciousness that is capable of amazing grace, mercy and Unconditional Love.

Why is there injustice then, where rich get richer, poor get poorer, the government makes highly toxic choices and seems inconsiderate?
Because we are human.
I cannot be any clearer about it. Human. To prove this, imagine your last encounter with "John/Jane Doe" on the street, supermarket, bank, restaurant, where they did something selfish that to you was mean or wrong. Perhaps they lost their nerve and shouted, maybe they cut in, or they managed to get the bill before you. I hope you recognize that this is not inherently evil?
So why give that label to a politian? Sure there is fair chance some people are far worse than others in being selfish, wanting more for number one. Wanting the masarati even though kids go without food, or wanting those amazingly soft Egyptian cotton bed sheets while a human being dies of smallpox. Yes, those people exist, which is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
But this is a human condition - inherently human as much as the grace and love.
The thing is when we think of NWO or Illuminati that we forget the two faces us every human. 
You yourself have selfish hours, moments, do you not? May the purest person raise their hands first.
I admit being human, I can recognize my selfishness - being aware, acknowledging then letting go of that emotion helps to live in our Grace and Love and stop the cycle of "the machine".

We have stayed in the selfishness machine government for so many hundred years that pulling away from it seems impossible. Wheels turn on their own now - and we get to enjoy the ride. How do we stop the machine, slowly, if at all. Something needs to happen, something huge needs to bring on the Change.
Machines with no stop-buttons have only one way of stopping - they get broken.
What happens without oil, clean air, clean water, electricity?

Humans built the machines, hence it has major malfunctions.

But as we move on towards the light step by step, earth shakes a little. I'm not painting apocalypse here, don't worry. Whenever the machines does break it'll be due to Light and no longer stands for selfishness.

Speculation, yes I know, but I'm trying to understand the world for myself, to see the silver lining in all things.

"People are inherently gorgeous beautiful energy, Light that when nurtured luminates through us. We are at our roots God/Source, we are vast, infinite consciousness that is capable of amazing grace, mercy and Unconditional Love."

Before we can be the Source again, lets be the Light in these three dimensional bodies.

Love, Light and Joy!

P.S: I'd like to know why you don't believe in "nwo" or "illuminati"? To broaden the view I have for now. :)

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