Thursday, December 9, 2010


Christmas is coming and the Ladies at "Women on the Edge of Evolution" send promotion for a Free Teleclass "The 3 Simple Secrets to Keeping Your Inner Mean Girl from Stealing Your Peace of Mind this Holiday Season!" with Amy Ahlers & Christine Arylo.
Want to take part in thess 2 classes? Visit their Homepage.
What is this telecast about then you ask?

If you are committed to experiencing the love, peace, and joy you read about on all those holiday cards and you’re ready to set yourself up for a 2011 that doesn’t involve stress-inducing resolutions, 10 extra pounds of body weight and hundreds of dollars in credit card debt, then sign up for this free call. Take a stand for your peace of mind and happiness and send that Inner Mean Girl Grinch packing!
We’ve learned EXACTLY how to re-focus our thoughts and take back the power so that we have the holiday season that we want, and also start out the New Year ENERGIZED – without guilt, stress or shame. We want to make that happen for you too, so you can enjoy your holiday season 100% and make 2011 the best year yet!

Join us for the free tele-call we’re hosting on Wednesday, December 8th at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST or Saturday, December 11th at 10am PST/1pm EST. 
Be sure to register even if you can’t make the live call and we’ll send you the recording!

Listen to the first call at:

Leading this call:
Christine Arylo is an inspirational catalyst and leading self-love expert for today’s woman. A self-admitted, but recovering, achievement junkie and doing addict, Christine, is writer, coach, speaker, and m.b.a. who teaches women how to stop being so hard on themselves by tapping into the energy of their Feminine Super Powers. She is a sought out media expert on the topic of life and love for today’s 21st Century woman and she is the author of Choosing ME before WE, Everywoman’s Guide to Life and Love ( ) In 2008, Arylo founded Madly in Love with ME, an international self-love movement dedicated to raising awareness of self-love and making it a tangible reality for women and girls around the world.

Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach, is on a mission to wake you up to the truth about how fabulous you are. She is a Certified Coach , the CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching ( ), the Director of MaestroPath ( ) and the Creator of The Women Masters Series ( ), where she speaks with luminaries like Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Marci Shimoff, and SARK. Amy is currently completing her first book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves  (and Believe! ). She’s been a featured expert on ABC, for The Washington Post and many radio shows. She is married to the love of her life, Rob and the proud mom of her 2-year old firecracker of a daughter, Annabella.

Love, Light and Joy!

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