Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ninth enstalment of the Teleseminar series Beyond Awakening!

Well, it's time to download the free MP3 / Listen Online for the ninth podcast!

Almost 30 000 people have signed up already - if you haven't already then now is the time to spread the light, Connect and show that we exist!

This time they have Thomas Hübl as guest - and don't forget to sign up!

 (The beginning is very echo-y but it is soon fixed - no need to stop listening. ;) )
The next stage of evolution requires an “Inner Science” that’s freshly inspired by an intuitively open “memory” of the future, a new culture that intuits and creates a future that’s wanting to be born. It is possible to give birth to it together, by becoming a new culture .

Listen right there or right-click and Save As mp3.

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