Wednesday, September 15, 2010


A FREE Teleseminar series!
Over 20 000 people have already signed up! 

My name is Terry Patten, and as your host and the series founder, I'm very happy to have you join us for our free teleseminar series with 27 of the most dynamic spiritual teachers on the planet today.

Over the next few weeks we'll gather together online every Sunday and Thursday evening, by conference call and online, to participate in conversations that will dive into the important, timely, and sometimes vexing questions that we all face as conscious beings alive in the 21st century.

If you missed my introduction to the series on September 12th, you can listen or download the audio here:
I spend the last hour listening to the first introduction, and after when they get to business, after introducing each other, it's full of gold! I am amazed and delighted this is being talked about. We do need to all have some common ground, a place to agree in.
I especially enjoyed 00:31:00 how can our spirituality create a second renessance: "What can be our agreement that holds us together when we disagree" and 00:39:00 where they talk about how "Humanity is evolving now at a fast track compared to our early history".
Do sign up and receiver emails, addresses and information. Do. Do. Do! :D

Our Next Event in the Series will feature an in-depth discussion on the past, present and future of spiritual practice with Integral philosopher Ken Wilber, on Thursday, September 16th @ 5 PM Pacific. You will receive an email with all the access information prior to the event.
Question about joining the Teleseminars?

How To Participate from Anywhere in the World:

Before each event, you'll receive an email with access codes and a description of what to expect.
There are several ways to participate.
  • You can participate live by dialing into the conference lines using the access codes we'll provide you with
  • You can listen to the webcast live online.
  • You can listen to the recording by phone or online anytime after the event is complete.
  • You can download the recordings and listen to them anytime at your convenience on your computer, or even your iPod.
There will be a 30-minute period for questions and comments at the end of each conversation, so we encourage you to attend the live events, to listen in and speak up!

You can send us your questions and comments before or during the live dialogue by posting them on our Beyond Awakening Facebook page.


  1. I will definitely participate in this awakening .as they are also providing spiritual lecture. I am so impressed with all these information.

  2. Great!

    I've already at awe with these lectures. :)
