Tuesday, January 5, 2010



Day 11 (Jan 5): What do I need to let go of in order to reveal my emerging wholeness?

Blue Hand qualities: Doing, completion, accomplishment, physical creativity, organizer, healer, opening, beauty, dance, gateway, knows, identification, mudras, acting "as if", spiritual tools, prist/priestess.

In the shadow of Blue Hand are spiritual distractions and resistances. As you hit 'growth edges', you can experience issues and resistance to revealing your true beauty and power. On your path, you will always be offered access to tools and further initiations. Think back to a time when you were offered such a gift, to a time when you embarked on a new quest or possibility.

(this moment suits these very days - this information of wavespells came to me exactly at the right time)

Remember the feeling of spiritual grace that accompanied that gift. Watch for other such openings that will be offered. They may appear in unusual circumstances. You may even find them in times of emotional crisis and amidst unusual access to hidden potentials. Becoming aware of these initiatory portals opens the door to guides and allies. It can also break the spell of distractions and reactive behaviours.

Another shadow of Blue Hand is difficulty in completing things. Completion is especially difficult if you feel inadequate or displeased with the possible outcome of your efforts. If you take on too much, you may become too pressured and scattered to finish. You may also relish the creative process but lose motivation because of hidden issues or what appears as the hard work required to finish. Completion becomes easier if you allow yourself to be excited and satisfied by the steps along the way.

Another shadow of Blue Hand is not having the desire and discipline needed to master a tool (such as meditation, healing, or some aspect of the creative arts). It is important to remember that committment, focused intent, and openness are all necessary to the acquisitions of any new skill.

Open to the clarity of your mystical nature. You are the tool through which Spirit speaks. You are the open vessel in which the light can play.

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