Sunday, December 27, 2009


"I need honest feedback - how do you think I'm limiting myself? - spiritually speaking."
"Well, you could be more ambitios."

"You mean, I should go after what I want, when I know what I want?"
" Yes."

Day 2 (Dec 27): What are my relationships teaching me? What are my Obstacles?

White Mirror Qualities: Reflecting others back to themselves, endlessness, shattering truth, clarifier, spiritual warriorship, discrimination, timelessness, clarity, hall of mirrors, sword of truth, facing shadow, integration of paradox.

Have you unconsciously created a reality in which you seem lost or confused? In this shadow, you may feel enmeshed in the illusions of the hall of mirrors. Remember that the only real power the hall of mirrors has is your belief that its grand illusions are real! On Earth, we presently live on a holographic playing field made of the elements of time and space. This field draws to itself the density and mass necessary to form a three-dimensional reality. All phenomena within it are images that appear for our learning and growth. Since each of us is a hologram of light within the larger hologram, getting lost in fear, judgement, and denial can certainly appear to be "real", but it is really only an illusion. The essential mind is silent, still, empty - hence, incapable of getting lost.

The transformation offered in this shadow is found by being mindful. Meditate and pray for the reestablishment of your direct connection to Spirit. Become quiet and still. Imagine yourself floating timelessly in the center of the star-glyph White Mirror, receiving divine wisdom. Cut away with clear discrimination. Forgive and release yourself and others. Enter into the timeless truth of the spiritual warrior.

Another shadow transformation of White Mirror may be found in seeing yourself clearly in the mirrors of the world and other people. Using others as mirrors allows you to experience hidden truths about yourself. Ask for honest feedback from friends you trust. Risk hearing the truth about yourself. Openly observe the events in your life to see how they can be used to better understand who you actually are.

One of the most self-limiting illusions is the belief that one's own view of reality is the only one. This often causes the mirror of the world to reflect back to you your "unseen" shadow, and when you see this shadow, it can produce a judgement or reaction. Such emotionally charged situations usually have two poles or positions. When you believe that only you are right, both poles remain charged and fixed. For a moment, experiment with letting go or changing your position. As you loosen your hold and step aside, the "other position" or person is freed to change as well.

Understand that judgement and acceptance are two sides of the same mirror - the transparent mirror of ascension.
It's Day 2 of Red Earth Wavespell.

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