Saturday, December 26, 2009


It's really been too long since my last post, so here I am.
I haven't seriously been here since last x-mas, even though there are few posts this year.

Why the break? Well, I guess I've been happy. Really. :) I seem to so call nest when I'm happy. But let's look back...
I wrote a 50 000 word novel in November - which I haven't edited yet.
I went back to my healthy eating plan and exersice - until back and flu interrupted.
Summer was great I visited Porvoo and Kuhmo - this also led to the many uploads to my FLICKR.
I recently got back my photo-bug and now I'm photoshopping away after snapping pictures.

Here's "Smiling Tea" From

Something very sad happened too, my grandmother passed away - it was during surgery so the death wasn't painful, which I'm very happy about - what I'm not happy about it that my father informed me a day later instead of the same day, I could have tried to make the passege as easy as possible for her.
The funeral was filled with tears, ofcourse I'm sad to lose a HUGE part of my childhood memories and their occupant but then again, we all die. Tao states: The third treasure is humility, to know that you have come from nothing and that you return to nothing. It's soothing, and eases the pain - why should I not be happy and proud of the soul journey she did, I'm sure she's happier now, wiser and at ease.

With this said, I gave you the main points of my year - the rest of it was work at the kindergarden and daily life with down and lows AND tons and tons of books - Kaari Utrio - J.D.Robb - Lincoln Child - Charlaine Harris and some Twilight.

Much love to you all!

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