Sunday, December 27, 2009


From: Red Earth Wavespell

Your personal wavespell happens only once every 260 days. I have found it to be an amazing intention-settting time as well as an indicator of the main theme(s) for the next 260 days until your next wavespell.

I suggest that you keep a journal during these 13 days. Start your day by writing down any dreams you have and interpreting them the best you can. Use association and lookup keywords here.

If you haven't done any dream interpretation before remember that the most important aspect of your dream is your Feelings. Example, a recent dream of mine: my legs and arms were bloated with water. I could stop there, but how did I feel? Uncomfortable and worried (but not fearful). Those feelings are the Key to the rest of my dream. Your dreams contain message for you!

Then, read through the Day's question and synthesize it with the energy of the Daykeeper for that day. Write down the question and glean the answer from the Daykeeper's energy...allow the Ah-ha!'s to bubble up.

Then...go about your day.

If you have time, at the end of the day write down what happened during the day. What interesting events? Conversations? Did something new happen? Even the smallest detail may hold significance...what animals crossed your path (were they alive or dead?) aware of the symbols around you (the material world has been cloaked in symbols camoflauging the real meaning/essence)...and, if they seem significant, include them in your day's events and feelings. See if the days events help you to answer the day's question.....keep allowing those Ah-ha!'s to happen!

*** Happy Magical Wavespell! ***

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